
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Introduction to Acting 4-4

Here is my 1st pass at Polishing:

Introduction to Acting 4-3

Here is my Blocking Plus:

Introduction to Acting 4-2

After having the teacher review my ideas. We decided to do the Teddy Bear scene.
But needed to cut some of the action that I had planned because it may not all fit the time frame allowed by the school.
So I am starting the scene with the child coming in from the door and presenting the Teddy Bear.
I would also like to give a big thanks to my cousin Jon for giving me some assets. The teddy bear I am using for the scene was created by him. Thanks Jon.
Here is my blocking:

Introduction to Acting 4-1

Hey everyone!
So for the first assignment for Class 4: Intro. to Acting.
We need to create a scene with Pantomime.
Pantomime acting is showing the audience what the character is feeling, without having to use dialogue or narration to “tell” them how the character is feeling.
The assignment also needs to have two clear beats.  These beats are started with one emotion/action in the beginning of the scene and then by the end is another emotion/action.
Look for contrast in your ideas, such as:
• Patience / Anger
• Confidence / Insecurity
• Hopefulness / Devastation

So here is my planning for this assignment:

For the First idea I have a man doing a food eating contest. He begins confident and cocky. As he gets in to the competition he eventual is worried that he will not be able to finish and losses it "all"

The second is a child reaching out for there Teddy Bear and with excitement of getting their own Teddy they go to show him off. But with all the excitement the child is not careful and accidentally destroys the Teddy.